By incorporating strategic planning into your leadership approach, you and your business can effectively catalogue and prioritise the various strategic initiatives being investigated and pursued within your business. This level of oversight sharpens focus and enables leaders to hone in on the strategies that have the greatest potential for impact.

We solve your Strategic Planning by:


At Step Advisory we help executives and management teams to make sense of the multiple strategic projects they are juggling. Our strategic planning approach empowers you and your business with the tools needed to prioritise, resource and successfully deliver on all the initiatives.


A strategic planning process removes subjectivity and bias and ensures that the most important strategic initiatives are prioritised and resourced in order to have the greatest chance of success.


With a complete and clear alignment of objectives your business can allocate scarce resources behind fewer strategic initiatives and apportion accountability for delivery.

Avoid the “getting busy” trap

When working with you and your business, Step Advisory applies the learnings and insights gained over many years of strategy formulation and strategy execution. In our experience many companies fall into the trap of ‘getting busy’ and trying to pursue too many initiatives while never really successfully delivering on the most important ones.

How can we help your business?

  • Engaging with your leadership team to source the complete list of all strategic initiatives being considered or pursued by your company.
  • Cataloguing and clustering all the initiatives within strategic themes, as well as understanding the magnitude of the potential impact.
  • Objectively assisting in a prioritisation process to highlight the core strategic initiatives that are imperative to the future growth and success of your business.

This process ensures that you and your business can now fully engage in the strategy execution process with both peace of mind and full confidence that the strategic initiatives being pursued will have the greatest impact and truly ‘move the needle’.

Get more information on our Strategic Planning services today.