OKR implementation is concerned with the ongoing discipline of consistently unlocking the value of OKRs within your business. Our experts advocate the creation of a consistent cadence comprising regular check-ins, mid-cycle reviews and end of cycle reflection and reset sessions. Applied consistently and with discipline, this implementation focus builds healthy business habits which, in turn, lead to effective execution in the long term.

Driving alignment and engagement

If OKR training is about learning a new language, OKR implementation is concerned with attaining a level of fluency in that language. In the beginning stages of this process, the framework needs to be evangelized throughout the organisation, driving the belief in its simplicity of understanding, its flexibility in application and its benefits to business value.

Implementing OKRs across an organisation has immense value in driving alignment and engagement. If used throughout the business, it becomes evident how a company’s  mission is progressed, who has contributing to this and where efforts are potentially being duplicated. It allows an individual to see how their work today contributes to the long-term mission of the company.

Rather than focusing on what is ‘right’, we focus on what is ‘right for you’.

The OKRs process is an incredibly powerful framework with numerous ways in which to apply the thinking. This can lead to immensely different views on the ‘right’ way.

By harnessing our years of experience gained across different industries, companies, teams and cultures, we can work with your business to draft an implementation plan that is fit for purpose and right for you. We can apply this plan whether you are just starting out and in your first OKR cycle, or have run with OKRs for a while and are experiencing some resistance as the process is proliferated  through the organisation.

With OKR Implementation, we will help you look out for potential pitfalls are assist in addressing pitfalls already experienced; we will coach individuals on their OKRs; we will address confusion on topics such as OKRs vs. KPIs; we will facilitate sessions and use the learnings to tweak the process for optimal results.

How can we help your business?

To create consistency in implementation, we find it useful to develop a set of deployment parameters – the guidelines within which OKRs will be implemented. The Step Advisory team will draft these deployment parameters in collaboration with your team or key stakeholders and document it concisely for distribution.

Once deployment parameters have been agreed, we set up a series of regular meetings. After facilitating the first set of meetings, we ensure a handover process for future interactions. We keep track of the progress your organisation is making towards meeting the OKRs by setting up a handy digital tool or spreadsheet.

We also facilitate reflect and reset sessions which are critical for adapting the progress.

To ensure that your business stays true to the process, the Step Advisory team is available for a number of hours of individual coaching each month and will continue to help drive accountability and provide gentle reminders of when what needs to be done.

Get more information on our OKR Implementation services today.