We know the ‘why’ of ESG, but where do we start?

We recently hosted a webinar on formulating and executing your ESG strategy.

More and more, we are approached by companies and individuals who understand what ESG is and why it’s important but don’t know what needs to done. There are too many frameworks to count, and the metrics that can be tracked are endless. In addition, ESG lip service is no longer enough, we are expected to deliver and hit the outcomes.

The following panel of industry specialists gave their insights on how to kick-start your ESG journey.

Our panel of experts will explore the mechanisms needed to develop and deliver on a successful ESG strategy, that is relevant to your organisation and linked to your corporate strategy.  They will highlight the importance of your governance structures and look at goal management methodologies like OKRs to break down your ESG strategy into relevant and achievable goals and explore tools to track progress.

Craig Gillham
Managing Director & Strategy Specialist | Step Advisory

Craig Gillham

Craig, the Managing Director of Step Advisory, has a strong entrepreneurial spirit who enjoys exploring different business operating models and discovering new business opportunities. Craig’s specialities were developed through his career in strategy consulting and through the start up and running of an ICT. Having formulated countless corporate strategies with different sized clients from a range of industries, he understands the fundamentals required to set an informed strategy that provides direction and drives action. Recently, he has worked with clients in the formulation of their ESG strategies.
Lauen Bauer
Sustainability & Integrated Reporting Advisory | Ince

Lauren Bauer

Lauren’s expertise lies in advising on how to prepare integrated reporting suites for clients across various industries, typically in the listed environment. Having completed her Masters in Sustainable Development, Lauren brings expertise in systems thinking and an inspired understanding of sustainability. Her passion for research and communication equips her to assist in both advisory and editorial work at Ince, an investor marketing agency.
Founder & Managing Director | Mthucebi Consulting

Nobuzwe Mbuyisa

Nobuzwe is the Founder and Managing Director at Mthucebi Consulting offering management support services on key corporate support functions such as Strategy Facilitation, Sustainability Management, Policy and Operating models, Supply Chain Transformation, SME Capacity Building, and Management of short-term projects. Nobuzwe has over 18 years business experience at senior management and executive levels in corporate. Prior to venturing into the entrepreneurial space, Nobuzwe was a member of the Executive Team at Thebe Investment Corporation (TIC) for a period of 5 years where she influenced the overall strategic direction and performance management of the organisation and led various business improvement initiatives. Recently, Nobuzwe has been engaging with a number of organisations that require awareness and action around ESG/sustainability off the back of discussions with key stakeholders.
Paul Barker
Head Coach & Execution Specialist| The OKR Group

Paul Barker

Paul is passionate about seeing teams work together better – operating more effectively to realise their dreams. He’s worked with leadership teams in industries ranging from financial services and manufacturing, to tourism and agiculture, and everything in between.

During multi-year business development projects, Paul has helped clients launch products and businesses more than once – from the initial conceptualisation to cementing the dream and subsequent launch to the market. By profession, Paul is a fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and holds risk management and financial management qualifications. He is a founding member of the OKRs Coach Network with Ben Lamorte, driving the adoption and usage of OKRs globally.

Jenny Herald
VP of Product Evangelism | Gtmhub

Jenny Herold

As Vice President of product evangelism, Jenny Herald champions Gtmhub's vision and how their customers achieve better business outcomes with the company’s strategy execution platform based on the OKR methodology.
She’s an experienced business leader who has helped accelerate growth for enterprises such as Microsoft and startups like Wunderlist. Jenny also hosts the Dreams with Deadlines podcast where she interviews business leaders on aligning teams and organizations around a common purpose, the ups-and-downs of goal management, strategy execution, and everything in between.

What will you learn?

We will help you understand how to structure an effective ESG strategy and take short-term steps that will contribute to the success of the long-term goals.


What is a sustainability strategy?


How to use a materiality lens to identify the ESG issues relevant to your company


How to use OKRs, a goal methodology, to drive the execution of your ESG strategy


How tools can assist you with tracking your progress over time

Watch the webinar recording

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